RV Camping Rates

RV Camping Rates

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Check out our local attractions to get a closer look at our friendly neighbors!

R.V. Camping, Nightly - Site Includes 2 people ONLY
Water and 30/50 Amps$49.00
Full Hook-Up w/ Water, 30/50 Amps and Sewer$59.00
Extra Person (2 yrs. & under Free) $9.00
Campsite Visitor $11.00
Campsite Senior Citizen Visitor $5.00
Fire-Side Visitor (after 6pm) $5.00
R.V. Camping, Weekly Rates
(Stay 6 Consecutive Nights, Receive the 7th Night FREE.)
Water & 30/50 Amps Site$264.00
Full Hook-Up with Water, 30/50 Amps & Sewer Site$324.00

R.V. Camping Off Season, Nightly
*Before and after water park season; no other discounts may be applied. Extra Persons included in Off-Season.
Water & Electric Site with 30/50 Amps
Full Hook-Up Site with Water, 30/50 Amps & Sewer$49.20
R.V. Camping Off- Season, Weekly
Water and 30/50 Amps Site$211.20
Full Hook-Up with Water, 30/50 Amps, Sewer Site$259.20

(Available during Summer ONLY, Check Hours/Dates of Operation).
Antenna T.V. Channels3, 5, 8, 19, 23, 43, 55
Use of Dump Station Included
Honey Wagon Service
-Available upon request
-We come to your site and empty tanks for you
Scheduled BEFORE Noon/Same Day Service $15.00
Scheduled AFTER Noon/Same Day Service$20.00
Rack Load (Dolly)$17.00
Mid-Week DiscountSunday-Thursday Special
Stay 2 nights at regular price & get the 3rd Night Free! Check-In on Sun., Mon. or Tues. only for this offer. Not valid with other discount offers or on Holidays. Must mention discount upon reservation or arrival.
Weekly SpecialStay 6 consecutive nights, receive the 7th night FREE.
Memberships10% off - AAA, AARP, Coachman, Good Sam, and Baylor Beach Park Season Members.
Police, Fireman & Medical
10% off - Active Duty/Veteran (Thank you for your service!)
Farmer/Preacher/Teacher10% off
Senior Citizen 10% off
Off-Season Nightly Discount20% off regular rates, before or after water park season; no other discounts may be applied.
Off-Season Weekly Discount20% off regular rates PLUS 7th consecutive night free, before or after water park season; no other discounts may be applied.
*Discounts cannot be combined, ONLY one discount may be applied.
*All prices subject to change without notice.

R.V. Camping Information & Rules

  • R.V. CAMPING available from May 1 thru the October 22 weekend.
    (Please, call campground for possible exceptions.)
  • OFFICE HOURS: (In-Season, Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day)
    Sat - Thurs: 11am - 7pm
    Friday: 11am - 8pm
  • OFFICE HOURS : (Off-Season, Water Park Closed) *hours may vary slightly
    Mon - Thurs: 11am - 6pm
    Fri: 11am - 8pm
    Sat: 11am - 2pm
    Closed Sunday
  • CHECK-IN : 1pm - 7pm
    (Late Check-In is available, please call during office hours to make arrangements, if possible. You may set up on reserved site and register the following day after 11am. Pet owners, please check pet rules.)
  • CHECK-OUT : *12:30pm
    RV must be off of site by check-out. Guests may pull unit to Lot #5 and stay to swim for the day, or "Late Check-Out" may be possible at an additional charge IF no-one is arriving on your site. Please inquire upon arrival if interested in late check-out.
  • FAMILY CAMPING ONLY, strictly enforced. 
  • RESERVATIONS highly recommended! Online reservations are available. Campers may choose a particular site; however, management reserves the right to change site if necessary. 
  • RESERVATION MINIMUM 2 day reservation required for weekends; 3 days for holidays.
  • METHOD OF PAYMENT Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Sorry, we do not accept personal checks. 
    (Campers must call our office to cancel a reservation.)
    Minimum Notice: 2 - Weeks for REGULAR weekends
    1 - Month for HOLIDAY weekends

    Any cancellations made before this time will be refunded: Full amount LESS a $10 fee, (OR guest may opt to leave FULL amount as a BBP Camp Credit for another time.)
    *This also applies to any "weekday only" reservations.

    LAST MINUTE CLUB CANCELLATION FEE, made after required minimum:

    Regular weekend - 1 night's stay fee.
    Holiday weekend - 2 night's stay fee.

    WeekDAY cancels will be refunded the full amount LESS a $10 fee.
    WeekEND cancels will be refunded the full amount LESS a $20 fee.
    Guest may opt to leave FULL amount as a BBP Camp Credit.

  • VISITORS of camper pay admission during summertime, 11am-7pm & must exit park by 10pm. (No large groups of visitors, please.)
    We reserve the right to inspect coolers.
  • PETS are allowed to accompany R.V. campers only. All pets must be kept on a short leash and in designated areas. No walking around swimming lake or paddleboat areas and please keep pets out of buildings. (Pets may be walked along campsite roads, parking lots & walking path.) Please, clean up after your pet while walking & at campsite. Limit 2 pets per camper (possible exceptions must be approved, please inquire within.) No overly large, aggressive breed dogs permitted; social, friendly pets permitted only. Pets must be kept quiet. PLEASE, do not leave pets unattended while outdoors! Must sign release form of responsibility at office upon arrival. 
  • TENTS are not permitted on R.V. sites. We do NOT offer any tent camping. This helps maintain the site for the next person. Sorry, NO exceptions.
  • MATS/RUGS/CARPET PIECES are not allowed on campsite. This helps to maintain our sites for each camper. 
  • VEHICLE PARKING at campsite is available if space allows. Extra parking is available in nearby parking lots.
  • FIREWOOD is self-serve. Cost is $17 a rack load (dolly) or $7 a bundle. Please pay at beach office during hours of operation.
  • CONCESSION STAND/ICE available in summer, weather pending/limited hours.
  • TREES/BRANCHES may not be cut or mutilated.
  • TRASH should be placed in dumpsters; please do not leave on picnic tables or at campsite.
  • SWIMMING IS INCLUDED in camping fees, and is available during designated park hours only; lifeguard must be on duty. Please check dates/hours of water park operation. Our water park includes a swimming lake that is chemically treated and regularly health department tested. Proper swimwear attire required. No thongs or wedgie-bottoms. No see-thru or overly loose T-shirts. All swimming attire; must be above the knee for safety purposed. Swim-wear must not have rivets if using the blue tube slide. No nude or partially nude sunbathing. Approved water shoes may be worn.
  • PARENTS must accompany children to water park area and are responsible for their actions. Children must return to campground after water park closes.
  • LIFEGUARDS must be on duty for swimming. Swimming is available during designated dates/hours only. Parents, our lifeguards are here to help prevent accidents by enforcing the rules, but you are responsible to watch your own children. Life-jackets are encouraged, but not required, and are available at no charge. Life-jackets are located at stations around swimming lake. 
  • QUIET HOURS: 10pm-9am. (Please alert onsite management of any major issues or emergencies.)
  • FIREWORKS, FIREARMS, BOWS & ARROWS are not permitted.
  • FISHING is limited times only, and is catch-and-release. Please inquire with office staff about current designated fishing hours. No fishing after dark or during water park hours. Adults MUST accompany children, please use barbless or circle hooks in efforts to preserve each fish. Please be sure children release fish quickly and don't keep them out of the water for an extended period of time. 
  • BICYCLES allowed, use at own risk. Parent must accompany very young children.
  • METAL DETECTORS are not permitted.
  • GOLF CARTS & MOTORIZED ATV's are not permitted. 
  • WEATHER In case of inclement weather, seek shelter in Shower House. 
  • EMERGENCY # 911
  • MANAGEMENT has the right to refuse admission or remove persons from park.

Pets welcome with RV Campers only!